Gold navy blue multi coloured sequin material lace fabric by yard sold

Transform your garments with our multi-colored sequin material with navy blue/gold fishscale design. This 3mm+5mm sequin lace fabric embroidered on a solid stretch polyester jersey knit fabric is ideal for creating show-stopping dresses, clothes,shoes,bags decoration.

Item Name:3+5mm Gold navy blue multi coloured sequin material lace fabric by yard sold
Mateiral:PET Sequins
Size:120-125cm width
Color:More than 20colors

Agem Textiles, a manufacturer of sequin embroidery fabrics from China. introduces its premium multicolored sequin lace material to you, specifically designed to bring idea for  

garments. The fabric is made to exquisite fishscale pattern with captivating navy blue and gold color, offering a mesmerizing visual impact that turns heads.(Pattern can be customized.)

This luxury sequin fabric is made from blend of 3mm and 5mm sequins intricately embroidered onto a elastic mesh base. The varying sizes of sequins create a dynamic texture and 

depth, enhancing the fishscale design's natural movement and shimmer under light.

The base mesh fabric is carefully selected for its lightweight, breathable properties, ensuring both comfort,light and style are achieved in every piece created. The navy blue and 

gold color complement each other perfectly, lending themselves to a range of fashion beauty – from classic evening gowns to avant-garde statement pieces would be suitable.

Available in customizable sizes, this multicolor gold/navy blue sequin lace fabric can be tailored to meet the exact requirements of various garment designs. Whether you're crafting 

haute couture dresses, embellishing dance costumes, or adding a touch of glamour to everyday wear, this material will achieve it to new heights.

As an industry leader in sequin embroidery, Agem Textiles guarantees the quality. Our navy blue and gold multicolor sequin fabric is for garments,clothes,shows,dresses.


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